Cultivate Your Future Network Now

Posted: November 14, 2023 11:50:00 AM CST

Megan Goeke, with her passion for business, is uniquely qualified to serve as the faculty advisor for Cultivate, one of the most exciting clubs offered to students at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. In addition to her family entrepreneurial background which goes back for generations, Goeke owns local businesses as well as works as the College of Business and Technology’s Career Center assistant director and online coordinator/academic coach.

A strong focus on entrepreneurship is the hallmark of this academic organization which meets at least monthly in West Center. Goeke explains that Cultivate, as a registered student organization, is “always creating opportunities for students” who learn by running the club. Goeke’s role is to “support the students” to help them “develop further as budding entrepreneurs and as young professionals.” She accomplishes this by providing networking opportunities where they can identify relationships that will help them in their future.

A picture from a meetingGoeke, whose involvement in several Kearney organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce has given her tremendous insight, sees Cultivate as a club where she can help students make the necessary community connections to build their network. This student organization, which is sponsored by the Center for Entrepreneurship and Rural Development, desires to offer professional development opportunities for students as well as engage them in community involvement.

Entrepreneurship students from all over the world are encouraged to get involved with Cultivate via the Canvas page that the club is creating to expand their membership. Online students as well as international students will be able to join this organization through Canvas.

Community involvement is important to Goeke and the students who make up Cultivate. They participate in campus events and this fall will be hosting Big Idea, a pitch competition which has both a community and student section.

students working on a project during a meeting

Any University of Nebraska at Kearney student is welcome to join Cultivate. Goeke explains how “anybody from any degree program” who has an entrepreneurial spirit will benefit from Cultivate. She explains how they can join at any time throughout the year and should feel free to engage to the degree to which their schedule allows.

From small hometown businesses to global connections, Cultivate offers students the opportunities to build a sense of community while increasing their network which will serve them well in college and beyond. The sky is really the limit for students who join this club. Goeke explains how entrepreneurial interests extend to all degree programs at bet36365体育. For example, one of the club’s past presidents used what he learned at Cultivate to open an escape room business in his hometown after graduation.

From its collaborative opportunities on campus to the many business connections made in Kearney and beyond, this organization will set students on the right path toward their future professional lives.

By: Sandy Brannan

Category: Marketing, Business and Technology, General, Education, Entrepreneur

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